Michael Jackson — Billie Jean | Live in Munich, 1997(IMPROVED)
Michael Jackson peforming "Billie Jean" in Munich, Germany - in july 6th, 1997. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- WHAT IS NEW... new audio, coming from here: • [4K] Michael Jackson - Billie Jean (L... credits to MjContent1. new angles from the "HIStory 25" blu-ray version, but only from july 6... new live vocals in some parts of the peformance... WHAT ELSE? AUDIO: more bass and snares VIDEO: more colors and lights. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- original version: • 4K - BILLIE JEAN (HIStory Tour, Munic... ---------------------------------------------------------------------- This video features materials protected by the Fair Use guidelines of Section 107 of the Copyright Act. All rights reserved to the copyright owners. ©️ Sony Music & The State Of Michael Jackson. #michaeljackson #billiejean #historytour