Learn To Swim As An Adult | Episode 3

Learn To Swim As An Adult | Episode 3

Our learner adult swimmer, Harry, has now come to a 25m pool to see if he can take what he learnt as a new adult swimmer to the next level. Will he be able to swim a whole width! 00:00 Welcome to the 'big pool'! 00:25 Our adult learner swimmers journey so far 01:50 Step 1: Getting used to a new pool 02:41 Step 2: Practicing your kick 03:45 Step 3: Kicking with fins 04:30 Step 4: Kicking with no fins 05:43 Step 5: Single arm 06:45 Step 6: Getting your breathing correct 08:18 Step 7: Fins and no kick board 10:12 Don't be afraid to go back to earlier steps 11:33 Bringing it all together Useful Links Check out the GTN Shop 👉 https://gtn.io/TeamKit GTN Training Plans 👉 Watch more on GTN... 📹 Watch our Editor’s Choice Playlist 👉 https://gtn.io/editorschoice 📹 Watch our weekly show, The GTN Show 👉 https://gtn.io/GTNshowPlaylist Photos: © Triathlon / Getty Images 🎵 Music - licensed by Epidemic Sound 🎵 Are You Alone_ - Victor Lundberg Can't Chill - Dylan Sitts Countdown to the End - Max Anson Focal Point - Young Community For the Win - Elliot Holmes Highway Kings - Elliot Holmes Ramaramaray - Aiyo Walk Through the Past - Ruiqi Zhao An Abyss of Sadness - Jon Bjork Wanderlust - Osoku gold finch - shamgang #gtn #triathlon #swimbikerun #swim #bike #run #swimmingpool #swimming The Global Triathlon Network (GTN) is the world's biggest triathlon YouTube channel, with new videos every day! GTN is for anyone who loves triathlon: from seasoned triathletes to first-timers – and everyone in between! With the help of our former pro and Olympic medal-winning team, we’re here to inform, entertain and inspire you to become a better triathlete; including videos on: How to swim, bike, and run faster with expert knowledge Try our session ideas Investigations into wide-ranging topics The best triathlon bike tech and gear with pro-know-how In-depth, entertaining features from the heart of the sport Chat, opinion and interact with us across the channel and on social media! Join us on YouTube’s best triathlon channel to get closer to the sport and to become a better, faster and fitter triathlete! Welcome to the Global Triathlon Network. Thanks to our sponsors: Canyon bikes: http://gtn.io/canyon-bikes Coros: https://gtn.io/Coros Ergon: https://gtn.io/Ergon THEMAGIC5: https://gtn.io/TheMagic5 ON Running: http://gtn.io/On-Running Orca: http://gtn.io/Orca Park Tool: http://gtn.io/parktool Precision Fuel & Hydration: https://gtn.io/PrecisionHydration Surpas: https://gtn.io/Surpas Truekinetix: https://gtn.io/Truekinetix Zwift: http://gtn.io/zwift Watch our sister channels: Global Cycling Network -    / @gcn   GCN Tech -    / @gcntech   GCN Racing -    / @gcnracing   GCN Italia -    / @gcnitalia   GCN en Espanol -    / @gcnenespanol   GCN auf Deutsch -    / @gcnaufdeutsch   GCN en Francais -    / @gcnenfrancais   GCN Training -    / @gcntraining   Global Mountain Bike Network -    / @gmbn   GMBN Racing -    / @gmbnracing   GMBN Tech -    / @gmbntech   Electric Mountain Bike Network -    / @embn