Sign Wa B Vocal+Dance MV (Cover) 歌って踊ってみた / PAiDA ♡ CODE:MiAO
When we were at SoCal Idol Fest last year we got to perform and film with Paida! The decision to perform this one with her was very last minute, to the point where Rina learned it on the airplane on the way to the con the night before hahaha. But I think it turned out great and it was so much fun! So we present to you Sign wa B... er... Sign wa P that is! Credits Music: B-Komachi from Oshi no Ko Choreography reference: • TVアニメ『【推しの子】』/B小町「サインはB」ダンス映像 Filming: CM Editing: Rina Costume design: CM Dancer/Vocals Paida @ggPAiDA Dancers CODE:MiAO @codexxmiao EllieS You are here! Rina @rinakiden □ 振付本家・使用楽曲様: • TVアニメ『【推しの子】』/B小町「サインはB」ダンス映像 歌っ踊った人 □ PAiDA @ggPAiDA 踊った人 コード:みゃお @codexxmiao □ EllieS / les_2525 □ リナ起電 @rinakiden 撮影: ムームー 編集: リナ起電 衣装: ムームー #サインはb #b小町 #Signwab #bkomachi #Codemiao #Paida