Ford E4OD Valve Body | ValveBodies.com
Here we have an E4OD valve body for year ranges 90-95. Gaskets and solenoids are available with the valve body from select brands. The Accumulator valve body is sold separately from the upper and lower main valve body assembly. The Accumulator and main valve body are sold separately Due to the variety of valve body plates, E4OD valve bodies can be easily mixed up and can cause failure. Be sure to Identify the valve body and valve body plates to the correct transmission and vehicle. The most common problem and wear points on an E4OD valve body is the Intermediate Clutch Accumaltor Regulator Valve. It has a tendency to stick partially on. All solenoids are tested for integrity and efficiency and Each remanufactured valve body is individually tested using a dyno testing machine. This machine acts as a transmission in a car and tests each shift point and solenoids to ensure your product is fully functional. When installing the valve body, secure the 8mm bolts down to 80-100 inch lbs torque ValveBodies.com carries a full line of valve bodies for nearly every transmission on the road We're dedicated to providing you the very best, with an emphasis on reliability, quality, and customer service. Get the Right Valve Body, The First Time https://www.valvebodies.com/ford-e4od... Get the Right Valve Body, The First Time at http://www.valvebodies.com/