ট্রেন গান #train #cartoon #nurseryrhymes #youtubeshorts #youtube #bangla
ট্রেন গান #train #cartoon #nurseryrhymes #youtubeshorts #youtube #bangla Video link : • ট্রেন গান | Train Song | Taarak Mehta... Description :- "Rail Gaadi" is a famous and fun Hindi poem that is immensely popular among children. This poem humorously portrays the sounds and movement of a moving train. Through the rhythmic sounds of "Chhuk-Chhuk" and "Chhuk-Chhuk," the poem offers children an exciting experience of a train journey. It encourages kids to imagine themselves riding the train, as if they are a part of the adventure. The poem also amusingly depicts the process of train coaches joining and separating. "Rail Gaadi" fuels children's imagination and brings smiles to their faces. It not only entertains but also helps children understand rhythm and beats. The melody of the train and the joy of the journey make this poem a favorite among children. Meet Jetha, Daya, Tapu, Babuji , Taarak Mehta, Bhide , Popatlal , Anjali Mehta, Roshan Singh Sodhi , Dr. Hathi and everyone else right here in this fun filled world for kids. #nurseryrhymes #childrensongs #kidssongs #rhymesforchildren #rhymes #poems #song #education #kidssong #kidsvideosongs #children #poemsforchildren #playlist #songsforchildren, #childrenrhymes #musicforchildren #learn #childrenssongs #songs #preschool #school #videosforbabies #kindergartensongs #babiesvideos #toddlersongs #childrensstory #abckidtv, kidsvideos #singalongsongs #bestnurseryrhymes #babiessongs #kidsongs #Bengalinurseryrhymes #Bengalirhymesforkids #Bengalipoemsforchildren #NurseryrhymesinBengalilanguage #Bengalirhymeswithlyrics #Indiannurseryrhymes #Bengalilullabiesforbabies #Bengalibabysongs #Bengalikidssongs #Bengalipreschoolrhymes #NurseryrhymeswithactionsinBengali #PopularBengalirhymesfortoddlers #Hindinurserybengaliplaylist #Rhymesforbabiesinbengali #bengalirhymesforkindergarten #nurseryrhymes #hindirhymes #kidsvideo #taarakmehtakaooltahchashmah #tmkocshorts #childrensringtone #hindirhymespoem #hindirhymesplaylist #hindirhymesforchildren #tmkocminiindia #tmkocfanclub #kidslearning #kidsvideos #kidssongs #toddlers #toddlerfun #toodlersvideo #toodler #englishnurseryrhymes #taarakmehtakaooltahchashmah #childrenssongs #Traditionalrhymes #fingerplays #animalrhymes #learningrhymes #fairytales #educationalsongs #Bedtimerhymes THANKS FOR WATCHING AND DON'T FORGET TO CLICK THE SUBSCRIBTION BELL ICON FOR FUTURE UPDATES.