Resident Evil 3: Nemesis Easy Mode Part 1/23
WATCH IN HD! ^_^ Took a vote on my fb fan page not too long ago on which of the PS1 RE games I should play, and this won. I'm sorry there's no commentary, my kids troll too much. Yes, I know it's on Easy Mode, and yes I made nooby mistakes, but I haven't touched the game in more than a year and forgot all the controls and item placements [which is why I constantly press PAUSE and bring up the settings screen....I was trying to get to the inventory menu -_-] ANYWHO, this run-through is for someone who's NOT looking for a speed / pro run. This was done strictly for fun, and I had fun playing it. =] Rate, subscribe, leave a comment, & visit one/all of the links below! Check out my Facebook page, accessible to people 17+ / awesomegamerchick Don't forget my blog! http://awesomegamerchick.blogspot.com/