paperdiy │ "POCHACO" 과자집 만들기 cookie house paper play  #포차코 #종이놀이 #종이상황극

paperdiy │ "POCHACO" 과자집 만들기 cookie house paper play #포차코 #종이놀이 #종이상황극

[우주랜드 종이놀이 상황극] 귀여운 포차코의 과자집 리모델링 스토리 매일매일 과자를 뜯어먹는 상상을 하며 과자집을 만들기 시작한 포차코! 과연 포차코는 꿈을 이룰 수 있을 것인가?! 상황극 이후 메이킹필름에서 제작과정을 확인할 수 있습니다:) [story translation] Hello, Pochaco. You said you wanted to remodel it into a cookie house, right? I brought the whole cookie jar. You're gonna do it yourself? Stick on the cane candy first. Oh, changing the doorknob was good. Let's spill the sweet chocolate syrup. Pochako, are you already tired? I'll do it from now on. What kind of snack is this? It's called "GEONBBANG". It looks bad, but it's a delicious snack Now what should I fix? You want to cover the window? Okay. What are you going to do with the window closed? You want me to decorate the roof first? All right, all right. Put the meringue cookie on top What's weird? The snacks don't smell? Of course. This is.. No, I guess my nose is stuffy. Pochaco. Why did you suddenly ask me to remodel it into a cookie house? Oh, I read Hansel and Gretel's storybook yesterday, and you really wanted it I'm tired. Help me out, too. You're having a hard time, too? Yeah, there's nothing easy in the world. Think of it as a job experience. All right, we're almost there. Pochaco cookie house is complete! Do you like it? Huh? You can eat snacks every day? If you eat all of this, your teeth will rot and you will gain weight. Not a chance. Pochaco, this is all fake.