Doctrine and Covenants | Mar 17-23 | Sections 23-26 | Come Follow Up on BYUtv
This week, the “Come, Follow Me” program of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints takes us to Doctrine and Covenants 23-26. Come Follow Up host Ben Lomu leads the discussion with gospel scholar Jennifer Reeder and special guest Kyle Woodruff on the following topics: "I Have an Important Role to Play in God’s Kingdom" and "The Lord Delights in My Song of the Heart”. Timecards: 00:00 - Introduction of Doctrine and Covenants 23-26 01:04 - How can I contribute to building the Kingdom of God? 02:03 - Introduction of Guests: Jennifer Reeder and Kyle Woodruff. 03:15 - Historical Context and Themes to Study within Doctrine and Covenants 23-26 04:27 - What is my role in God's kingdom? 17:35 - What is the role of music? 18:37 - How can I worship God through music? 30:22 - How can the Holy Spirit speak to me? 31:36 - Footnote discussion of Doctrine and Covenants 23-26 53:56 - More from Come Follow Up