Holy Eucharist - Fifth Sunday of Lent - 3rd April 2022

Holy Eucharist - Fifth Sunday of Lent - 3rd April 2022

1. PPC Meeting will be held on toady/tomorrow at 10.30 a.m. in the A.V room 2. There will be Lenten confession for parishioners on 4 th , 5 th & 6 th April 2022 from 5.00 to 6.30 pm & 7.00 to 8.00 p.m. 3. Due to confession there will be no Konkani way of the cross on Wednesday 6 th April 2022. 4. Sunday, 10 th April is Palm Sunday. Blessing of palms in the school quadrangle at 7.30 a.m. followed by procession to the church and Mass. Veronica chant and sermon in Marathi and Konkani will be after the 6.30 pm Mass in the school quadrangle. 5. The youth of parish will be conducting the enacted Way of the Cross on 15 th April – Good Friday. We require generous donors to sponsor for the same. Those who wish to contribute kindly contact to the Parish Office during office hours. 6. Parking of Vehicle is not allowed in School quadrangle and in the Church premises on Palm Sunday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday and Holy Saturday. 7. We need extra ordinary ministers of holy communion from Sutarwar and Our Lady of Lourdes Community. Those interested are invited to give their names to church office. 8. English prayer group invites you to their offline prayer meetings on Tuesdays after the 6.30 p.m. Mass. Kindly join. 9. Permanent grave in mess and the owners of the grave kindly look in to the matter. 10. Those who are interested to learn Basic tailoring, beautician course, fashion designing and attend Yoga class kindly register your names at the Jeevandai Community Centre at the earliest. 11. Last Sunday’s collection is amounted to Rs. 37,868/-. ( Rupees thirty seven thousand eight hundred and sixty eight only ) Thank you for your generous contribution. END OF THE NOTICES, THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION. Fr. John Lopes Parish Priest