Wednesday Night Worship | May 5, 2021

Wednesday Night Worship | May 5, 2021

Powered by Restream If you would like to stay connected with us throughout the week, please fill out a connect card here: To continue your financial support to BFPC, there are 3 ways to give: 1. Give online here: 2. Mail in your offering: 19950 CR 78 Eaton, CO 80615 3.Download the app- ChurchCenter App- look up Bethel Family Praise Center Thank you for your faithfulness to the house of the Lord! We are so glad you made time to worship with us! #GrowingTogether #StayingConnected #ILoveMyChurch #WednesdayNightWorship #BFPC #Family Due to copyright laws we will be unable to air our study this evening, but please enjoy a time of worship with us. We will be live on Sunday morning at 10:30 am.