2 HOURS Stunning 4K Underwater footage + Music | Nature Relaxation™ Rare & Colorful Sea Life Video
NEW Rainbow Reef 2 11 Hour Film @ • 11HRS Stunning 4K Underwater footage ... | 11HR "Underwater Wonders: Film @ • 11 HOURS of 4K Underwater Wonders + R... | BUY @ https://www.naturerelaxation.com/products/... | WATCH ON-DEMAND (No Watermark or Ads) @ https://watch.naturerelaxation.com/search?... | ABOUT: Sit back, relax and enjoy the dazzling world of coral reefs in 4K you embark on a journey through some of the most vibrant underwater reefs on our blue planet - including many scenes which no longer look like this due to coral bleaching. Thanks to the popularity of "Rainbow Reef Relaxation" ( • 3HRS Stunning Underwater Footage + Re... ), I decided to create you this 11 HOUR long version for all-day relaxation! MORE INFO: From the cinematographer: "The footage for this film was shot over a period of some years in French Polynesia, Micronesia, Indonesia and East Timor. Unfortunately there are not that vibrant anymore today. Coral reefs have suffered from the rise of water temperature, rise in acidity, destructive fishing methods and severe storms caused by climate change." - Peter Schneider. "Rainbow Reef Relaxation" is a 3-hour long, sweeping yet majestic & vibrant underwater journey to the world's most beautiful lagoons, as captured by Nature Relaxation collaborator Peter Schneider (Underwatercam) paired with ambient underwater sounds and brand new ambient music by the Cynic Project. Filmed in High Definition several years ago, thanks to its age this film offers magical glimpses of an underwater world that is bursting with life, color, and beauty. DOWNLOAD/LICENSE @ https://www.naturerelaxation.com/products/... | MORE INFO: Unfortunately, reefs today in most of the world are suffering from severe bleaching and so with this film we hope to raise awareness by showcasing the divine beauty that only pristine underwater reefs can present, in hopes that it will motivate the viewer to take action and help save them before its too late! (https://news.nationalgeographic.com/2018/0...) NO MUSIC VERSION @ • 3 HOURS of Amazing Colorful Reef Sea ... | MUSIC INFORMATION: Ambient music written by Alex Smith AKA "Relax Moods", available exclusively to Nature Relaxation viewers. Learn more / view the rest of the Cynic Music collection @ https://www.NatureRelaxation.com/cynicmusic or listen at https://www.RelaxMoods.com *HEALING CONTENT NOTICE: THIS FILM OFFERS CLINICALLY PROVEN THERAPEUTIC HEALTH BENEFITS FOR BODY & MIND Watching Nature films has been clinically proven to boost mood and mental focus, while simultaneously treating high anxiety & blood pressure, insomnia, depression, drug addiction, & other health problems - without doctors or pills.** Learn more about how Nature heals at https://www.NatureRelaxation.com/hownature.... That's why our tagline is "Replace Your Worries with Wonder!" ABOUT NATURE RELAXATION™ FILMS BY DAVID HUTING From soaring over majestic mountaintops in Patagonia to swimming underwater with dolphins in Tahiti, the Nature Relaxation™ On-Demand Apps + Access is your ticket to experiencing the world's most famous and hidden natural wonders in 4K UHD &HD. Learn more at https://www.NatureRelaxation.com/OnDemand or by visiting https://www.NatureRelaxation.com/about INTRODUCING NATURE RELAXATION™ ON-DEMAND + APPS FOR ALL PLATFORMS In case you wonder why I run ads on the videos, it's so that I can continue to develop better ways to bring Nature Relaxation™ into your world, allowing you to relax and connect with nature on demand - and benefit from reduced stress, blood pressure mental fog, and a more positive mood & mental outlook - just from simply watching. Isn't Nature amazing? To date I offer a super-simple and high quality web streaming service plus apps on SEVEN platforms - yes, that's a lucky number. TRY IT BEFORE YOU BUY IT at https://watch.naturerelaxation.com or on the app store link below: APP STORE LINKS (Free to download/try): iOS App: https://www.naturerelaxation.com/ios ANDROID App: https://www.naturerelaxation.com/Android ROKU App: https://www.naturerelaxation.com/Roku APPLETV: Search for Nature Relaxation on the Apple TV store ANDROIDTV app: https://www.naturerelaxation.com/AndroidTV AMAZON Fire TV App: https://www.naturerelaxation.com/AmazonFire SAMSUNG TV's (7 Series or Newer) Search for Nature Relaxation on the APPS section PC/MAC: https://watch.NatureRelaxation.com DISPLAY NATURE RELAXATION™ IN YOUR BUSINESS SETTING TO PUT YOUR CUSTOMERS IN A MORE POSITIVE MOOD, GUARANTEED• Designed for therapeutic relaxation in patient care settings, such as hospitals, high stress workplaces, nursing homes, and for individuals at home that love Nature and are seeking enhanced vitality through their digital devices. Learn more about Nature Relaxation at https://www.NatureRelaxation.com/about