The Twenty-Second Sunday after Pentecost
COPYRIGHT ATTRIBUTIONS FOR MUSIC LIVESTREAMED Pentecost 22 Sunday, October 20, 2024 (10:00 a.m. Service) All performed music in the order of service listed below that bears a copyright is livestreamed/archived with permission under license # 13401 issued by WorshipCast, Christian Copyright Solutions EXCEPT if beside the score title it is indicated that others have provided permission. WorshipCast website address: https://christiancopyrightsolutions.c...) or ** preceding line items indicate that copyrighted music scores (tune and words only) printed in the service bulletin (provided in print to those attending in person in the sanctuary and as a digital file on-line for those attending virtually) have copyright attributions indicated immediately below each reprinted score. Below each score in the bulletin, the reprint/reproduction is shown by an account with either (*) One License (license # A-715700) or (**) Christian Copyright Licensing International (CCLI) (license # 2467061). NOTE: All music performed by resident music director/organist, Ed Ackermann, unless noted otherwise. Hymn introductions, interludes, codas are by Ed Ackermann unless noted otherwise. Resident pianists are Joan Thompson and Mike Kunkel. Resident guitarist is Tom Thompson. Any music performed that is not specifically mentioned as having a copyright is either in public domain or improvised by the performer with permission to livestream. Bell Peal: “St. Michael’s bell peal,” an anonymous score said to have been transcribed from a peal that in the late 1700s rang from bells in the steeple of a church named St. Michael’s located on the eastern U.S. coast. The handwritten transcription was found on the organ console of Forest Hills Presbyterian Church in east Fort Worth TX (the church closed in 2017). In public domain. Organ Prelude 1: “Air in D Major,” (From Orchestral Suite No. 3, BWV 1068), J. S. Bach. Arranged by William M. Felton. Published in At the Console, © 1940 Theodore Presser Co. Organ Prelude 2: Improvisation on an original theme by resident organist. Performance livestreamed with musician’s permission. Processional Hymn: "We Gather Together." Hymn 433, The Hymnal 1982. Words: Wilt heden nu treden; tr. by Theodore Baker (1851-1934). Music: KREMSER, Neder-landtsch Gedenckclanck, 1626, arr. Edward Kremser (1838-1914); © 1985 Church Publishing Co. Gloria: “Gloria, New Plainsong Mass,” David Hurd. The Hymnal 1982 Service Music, S277, © 1981, GIA Publications. Gospel Sequence: “Festival Alleluia,” James Chepponis. © 1999 MorningStar Music Publishers. Offertory Hymn: "O Day of Peace." Hymn 597, The Hymnal 1982. Tune: JERUSALEM, C. Hubert H. Parry, 1916; © 1916, 1944, 1977, Roberton Publications. Lyrics: Carl P. Daw, Jr., © 1982 Hope Publishing Co. Doxology: “Praise God from Whom All Blessings Flow.” Hymn 380, stanza 3, The Hymnal 1982. In public domain. Words: Isaac Watts (b. 1674 – d. 1748). Music: OLD 100th; melody from Pseaumes octante trois de David, 1551. Sanctus: “Sanctus, New Plainsong Mass,” David Hurd. The Hymnal 1982 Service Music, S124, © 1981, GIA Publications. Agnus Dei: “Agnus Dei, New Plainsong Mass,” David Hurd. The Hymnal 1982 Service Music, S161, © 1981, GIA Publications. Communion Organ Voluntary: Improvisation by resident organist or pianist on an original theme or on a public domain hymn tune. Performance livestreamed with musician’s permission. Communion Hymn: “Here I Am Lord,” Dan Schutte. Text: © 1981; music: © 1983, Daniel L. Schutte, S.J.; Published by North American Liturgy Resources. Recessional Hymn: "Lead on O King Eternal." Hymn 555, The Hymnal 1982. In public domain. Words: Ernest W. Shurtleff (1862-1917). Music: LANCASTER, Thomas Henry Smart (1813-1879). Organ Postlude: “Trumpet Voluntary,” Jeremiah Clarke, arr. William E. Hayes. Performed with perfmission of William E. Hayes.