Dances With Wolves (1990) MOVIE REACTION!!! FIRST TIME WATCHING!!!

Dances With Wolves (1990) MOVIE REACTION!!! FIRST TIME WATCHING!!!

Cameron and Isaiah sit down and watch Dances With Wolves (1990) on HBO Max for the very first time! if you enjoyed this video please leave a like, share, and subscribe! Comment down below your favorite moment from the movie "Dances With Wolves"! Movie Palette: Patreon:   / camandzay   Instagram:   / camandzay   Twitter:   / camandzay   Tik Tok:   / camandzayreact   Zay's Twitch:   / deifiedzay   Zay's gaming YouTube channel:    / channel   Cam&ZayGames:    / @camzaygames4252   Cam's Twitch:   / justyouraveragecam   Thanks for watching! #danceswithwolves #moviereaction #classic #kevincostner Song used: Ice Flow Kevin MacLeod ( Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 Intro and Outro Song Song: Evan King - Guardians YouTube:    / evankingaudio   Free download at: