4th Sunday of advent - December 22, 2024 (2nd service)

4th Sunday of advent - December 22, 2024 (2nd service)

*Dear Beloved Community,* Grace and peace to you on this Fourth Sunday of Advent. Today, as we light the final candle of our Advent wreath, we are reminded of God’s boundless love made manifest in the coming of Christ. This is a time of profound anticipation as we prepare our hearts to welcome the Savior, who brings light, hope, and peace into our world. In this season of waiting, we are called to reflect on God’s love for us and how we can share that love with others. Let us keep in our prayers those who are seeking shelter, peace, and comfort during these challenging times. May the light of Christ shine through us as we serve and bless our neighbors, bringing His love to those in need. Together, let us prepare our hearts to fully embrace the joy of Christmas. We warmly welcome all who are with us today, whether you are a first-time visitor or a cherished member of our community. Your presence enriches our worship, and we are blessed to journey through this sacred season with you. As we approach the celebration of Christ’s birth, may our hearts be filled with hope, love, and peace. Let us carry the light of Christ with us, ready to share His love with the world. *With blessings and peace,* St. George Worship Team