6 INITIAL SIGNS OF DEMENTIA YOU CAN NEVER IGNORE! ALZHEIMER'S SILENT SYMPTOMS 💕💕SIGN UP: https://bit.ly/2IUdn43 ✅ SHARE the video on WHATSAPP and let's help more people! 0:00- 6 EARLY SIGNS OF DEMENTIA YOU CAN NEVER IGNORE! (SILENT ALZHEIMER symptoms) 1:33- 6 EARLY SIGNS OF DEMENTIA YOU CAN NEVER IGNORE! (SILENT ALZHEIMER symptoms) 1:39- What is dementia? 2:47- What types of dementia? 2:51- Leading cause of dementia is Alzheimer's disease 3:12- What are the 6 early signs of dementia? 3:21- 6th initial sign of dementia- postural changes 4:05- 5th early sign of dementia- changes in sense organs 5:59- 4th early sign of dementia- loss of muscle strength 5:33- 3rd early sign of dementia- sleep problems 6:05- 2nd early sign of dementia- listlessness (anhedonia) 6:41- 1st early sign of dementia- difficulty finding words 7:26- 10 symptoms of dementia (moderate to advanced) 7:32- 10th symptom of more advanced dementia- short term memory problems 7:46- 9th most advanced Alzheimer's symptom- difficulty following conversations 8:07 - 8th symptom of more advanced dementia - changes in mood or behavior 8:29- 7th most advanced symptom of Alzheimer's- Difficulty making decisions 8:49- 6th symptom of more advanced dementia- Loss of sense of time 9:05- 5th most advanced Alzheimer's symptom- Repeat the same questions 9:14- 4th symptom of more advanced dementia - disorientation 9:27- 3rd most advanced Alzheimer's symptom-Putting objects in inappropriate places 9:51- 2nd symptom of more advanced dementia- Hallucinations 10:13- 1st most advanced symptom of Alzheimer's- Urinary/fecal incontinence 10:48- What are the causes of dementia? 11:25- How to prevent dementia? 11:46- 1. Cognitive reserve 13:12- 2. Do physical activities 13:57- 3. Avoid smoking 14:05- 4. Control your blood pressure and cholesterol well 14:25- 5- Keep weight under control 14:37- 6- Manage diabetes well 15:23- 7- Improve your sleep 16:13- 8- Mediterranean Diet or MIND 16:31- Ketogenic diet 16:54- What's new for Alzheimer's treatment? Today, we're going to talk about an extremely important subject that affects millions of people around the world: dementia. Alzheimer's, for example, is one of the most well-known diseases that can lead to memory loss and cognitive difficulties. But did you know that there are other types of dementia that can manifest in different ways? In this video, we'll show you the 6 early signs of dementia you can't ignore and the 10 most common symptoms of advanced dementia. We'll discuss the causes of dementia and ways it can be prevented and treated, including new and innovative technologies emerging in the field. Dementia is a problem that affects not only the patient, but also the family and caregivers, so it is essential to be informed and aware of the subject. So if you want to know more about this important topic and find out how to deal with dementia, keep watching and get ready to learn a lot! - - - - - - VIDEOS RELATED TO Alzheimer's- - - - - - - 👉 Fulminant heart attack: how does a heart attack happen? • Infarto fulminante: como acontece um ... 👉 Angioplasty with stent - • CATETERISMO e ANGIOPLASTIA COM STENT:... 👉 Life After a Heart Attack- • Como é a vida após um Ataque Cardíaco? 👉 7 signs of heart attack in women- • 7 Sinais de Infarto em Mulheres (Card... 👉 Cardiac Catheterization- • CATETERISMO CARDÍACO: Tudo o que você... 👉 Heart attack sign (Frank's sign)- • SINAL DE ATAQUE CARDÍACO? PRESTE ATEN... 👉 Heart attack symptoms in women- • SINTOMAS DE INFARTO EM MULHERES | Car... Individuals who looked for early symptoms of Alzheimer's also looked for early symptoms of dementia #Insanity #Alzheimer's #signals ⚠️ DISCLAIMER ❤️ This is a purely educational video, aiming to instruct the population on various subjects involving medicine and health in general. ❤️ The information contained in the videos is not intended to replace medical consultation or serve as a recommendation for any treatment plan. If in doubt, consult your doctor. ❤️ Medicine is an ever-changing science, videos are produced based on the most recent Scientific Articles to date. 🔴 According to Art. 8 of Resolution CFM 1974/11 of Advertising of the Code of Medical Ethics, the videos are only intended to provide information for strictly educational purposes. 🔴 According to Art. 9 of Resolution CFM 1974/11 of Publicity of the Code of Medical Ethics § 1 “E ”, the address and telephone number of the office, clinic or service are not disclosed. 🎯 https://cardiodf.com.br