Sunday, December 26, 2021 - 1st Sunday of Christmas

Sunday, December 26, 2021 - 1st Sunday of Christmas

CCLI Copyright License 1030652 Size A Streaming License 20686773 Size A (Disclosure: First Presbyterian Church, and its members, do not own any rights to the music played during this service, nor do they receive any royalties for using these pieces.) Welcome to our worship service today. This service is a bit different from our normal service as Rev. John P. Wilson is on vacation so our Choir Director, Warren Townsend, stepped in. Gary Hogsett is the liturgist who helped Warren with the service. There is singing, some lessons on music, and even questions from the congregation. I hope you enjoy watching this service. The prelude, played by Sarah Scovel, is entitled "Aelude," by C. Saint-Saers. After the Invocation and Call to Worship, everyone sings "Come, Thou Long Expected Jesus," # 82 from “Glory to God, The Presbyterian Hymnal” (used with permission). This was followed by the call to confession, prayer of confession, assurance of pardon, and a hymn, # 166, verses 1 & 2, "Lord, Who Throughout These Forty Days," from “Glory to God, The Presbyterian Hymnal” (used with permission). Children were then called forward for our Gosepl for God's Children time. This was followed by Mr. Townsend reading scripture from Psalm 150 and Genesis 2:7. After the Gloria Patri and Responsive Reading, Mr. Townsend had lesson entitled "Music, Psalters, Hymns, etc., etc., etc." This was followed by everyon singing verse 1 of "Amazing Grace," # 649; verse 1 of "Joy to the World," # 134; and verses 1 & 4 of "Forgive Our Sings as We Forgive," #444, all from “Glory to God, The Presbyterian Hymnal” (used with permission). This lead into the Affirmation of Faith from the hymnal, page #37, which lead into a hymn, "When in the Night I Meditate," # 810 from “Glory to God, The Presbyterian Hymnal” (used with permission). Mr. Hogsett came back and lead everyone in prayers. This was followed by Mr. Townsend making the call to give gifts. During this time we were blessed with the voice of Daniel McDill who sang "The Wexford Carold," a Scottish folk song, arr. by Mark Hayes. He was accompanied by Sarah Scovel. This was followed by the singing of the Doxology, with a prayer of Thanksgiving followed by the Lord's Prayer, "Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be they name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory, forever. Amen." Mr. Townsend then read scripture from Luke 24:13-34 and Matthew 26:26-30. Everyone then sang "Be Known to Use in Breaking Bread," # 500 from “Glory to God, The Presbyterian Hymnal” (used with permission). After the Charge and Benediction, the congregation sang verses 1 & 4 of "Love Divine, All Loves Excelling," # 366 from “Glory to God, The Presbyterian Hymnal” (used with permission). Everyone was then encouraged to remain in their seats and listen to Sarah Scovel as she played the Postlude, "Lead On, O King Eternal," arr. Robert Thygerson. First Presbyterian Church 201 S. 5th Street P.O. Box 612 Independence, KS 67301 (620) 331-0241 Visit our website at: Visit us on Facebook at: First Presbyterian Church, Independence, Kansas Our office hours are Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. OUR MISSION STATEMENT: Because of God’s grace, love, and gift of His Son, Jesus Christ, we worship, witness, teach and serve. We celebrate communion the first Sunday of each month. All in attendance are invited to participate in communion as we practice open communion. Children are dismissed for Sunday school during our service, but return for communion. Our Sunday services are taped live on an IPad on Facebook Live at:   /   each Sunday, and then transferred to this YouTube Channel on Monday morning. If you would like to attend our services, we meet at 10:00 a.m. June through August, and 10:45 a.m. September through May (CST). We ask all who attend to please sit according to directions listed on the pews for social distancing concerns. Any and all are welcomed to join us in worship.