How To Root (FIG) Cuttings | BEST SOIL

How To Root (FIG) Cuttings | BEST SOIL

Charles Malki, Biologist & Plant Expert for explains how to root cuttings & prepare soil that will maximize rooting success. Additionally, we will re pot a rooted fig & passion fruit cutting. An example of stem girdling root is also demonstrated and corrected. The second half is a repeat from the February 1st, 2020 publication discussing the contest rules for the 3rd Annual Fig Cutting Giveaway 2020! Over 10+ fig cutting varieties, including the this year’s highly sought after Yellow Long Neck Fig. #Fig #FigCuttings #IVOrganic ONE (1) Daily Winner In The Month Of February 2020: RULES: 1) Go To 2) Click On “Gardening Tips” Tab 3) Select 1,2, or all 10 of your favorite Garden Tips 4) Post onto your Facebook, Instagram and/or Twitter Account 5) Tag Us and/ or #IVOrganic 6) Winner Gets Two (2) Randomly selected & labeled fig cuttings, shipping included, USA only 7) February 1st – 29th, 2020 or while supplies last (so enter as soon as possible) Instantly get a fig cutting by purchasing the now discounted 6 Macros All Purpose Fertilizer(s), and Trio Gift Boxes, discounted February 2020 only by 25%, PROMO CODE: IVO25 1) One (1) Randomly selected & labeled fig cutting per 11.8 oz bag purchased 2) Two (2) Randomly selected & labeled fig cutting per 11.8 oz bag purchased 3) NO LIMITS Join Our Other Social Media Sites:   / iv_organics   / iv_organics   Join & Support my other fig enthusiast friends at the following links:    / @edgarvaldivia6448      / @barerootnation     / barerootnation     / barerootnation     / mdmgrand02     / matt.mcghee.946 IV Organic products can be found in 100+ stores nation-wide. Contact your local nursery to find out if they stock our product. If not, please ask the manager of your local nursery to call or e-mail us directly; contact (e-mail and toll-free phone) can be found at The following are more related gardening videos: 7-11 Potting Tips | 7 DON’TS & 11 DOS | Part 1 of 2    • 7-11 Potting Tips | 7 DON’TS & 11 DOS...   A to Z | ALL ABOUT BARE "NAKED" ROOT FRUIT TREES | SELECTING, PRUNING, PLANTING, PAINTING & MORE    • A to Z |  ALL ABOUT BARE "NAKED" ROOT...   3-IN-1 APPLE TREE | Approach & Cleft GRAFTING | THE 3 SHADES OF IV ORGANICS    • 3-IN-1 APPLE TREE | Approach & Cleft ...   Grafting Fruit Trees Any Time Of Year--Biologist & IV Organics Plant Expert, Charles Malki    • Grafting Fruit Trees Any Time Of Year...   "My Orange Tree Has 3rd Degree Burns!" -- HELP!!! IV Organic 3-in-1 Tree Guard Paint    • "My Orange Tree Has 3rd Degree Burns!...   TOMATO CARE | EGG SHELL PUREE | NPK-CA | PEST CONTROL | IV ORGANIC PLANT GUARD    • TOMATO CARE | EGG SHELL PUREE  |  NPK...   FISH CONTAIN 60+ ELEMENTS, INCLUDING NPK! An Excellent Organic Addition To Your Garden & Orchard!    • FISH CONTAIN 60+ ELEMENTS, INCLUDING ...   Winter Citrus Harvest Time, Is Pruning Time TOO!    • Winter Citrus Harvest Time, Is Prunin...   Lisa Smith; Arborist, on Extreme Drought, Extreme Rain & Extreme Wind @ Hollywood Hills Garden Club    • Lisa Smith; Arborist, on Extreme Drou...   Q&A w/ Dr. Suzanne DeBenedittis of | Girdling & Sunburn & Pest Control    • Q&A w/ Dr. Suzanne DeBenedittis of Gr...   ANTIBIOTICS FOR ALL PLANTS!!! So EASY.... So NATURAL.... A 100% ORGANIC GARDEN! by IV Organic    • ANTIBIOTICS FOR ALL PLANTS!!! So EASY...   5-IN-1 Fig Tree | Grafting & Re-Potting Techniques    • 5-IN-1 Fig Tree |  Grafting & Re-Pott...   Fig Tree w/ 3rd Degree Sun Burns | Up-Side-Down Cutting Method @ La Cañada, California    • Fig Tree w/ 3rd Degree Sun Burns  |  ...   FRUIT (FIG) TREE TIPS: Winterizing | Pruning | Propagating | Re-Potting | IV Organic Paint    • FRUIT (FIG) TREE TIPS: Winterizing | ...   Compost Tea WITHOUT Compost! | YEAR-ROUND Nutritional Foliar Spray | SCALE Pest Control    • Compost Tea WITHOUT Compost!   |  YEA...   Part 1 of 4 | GROWING CALIFORNIA NATIVES | Theodore Payne Foundation | Charles Malki & Lisa Novick    • Part 1 of 4 |  GROWING CALIFORNIA NAT...   Hollywood-Knolls Winter 2017 Garden Club Topics: Shade Plants * Native Plants * Evolution * Organics    • Hollywood-Knolls Winter 2017 Garden C...   Garden Club | Native Flowers & Plants To Support Local Wildlife + Increase Fruit & Vegetable Yields    • Garden Club | Native Flowers & Plants...   PART 3 OF 3 | Steve List, teacher @ Sylmar Agricultural Center| Tomatoes | Raised Beds| Living Soil    • PART 3 OF 3 | Steve List, teacher @ S...   Be sure to LIKE, SHARE & SUBSCRIBE to watch all the other IV Organic's educational gardening videos.