Introduction to Accounting One Shot | Chapter 1 | Class 11 Accounts | Full Chapter in One Video
Introduction to Accounting one shot, Meaning, Objective, Scope and Nature of Accounting, one shot accounting, what is accounts, why we make accounts, tally, meaning of accounts, accounting definition, Steps in Accounts, Book Keeping, Book Keeping vs Accounting, book keeping & accountancy, Accounting vs Accountancy, CBSE Accounts, What is Accounts, How to make accounts, is accounts science or art, IMRCSAIC, Tally, Tally prime, user of accounting, advantage of accounting #introductiontoaccounting #MeaningObjectiveScopeandNatureofAccounting #tally #bookkeepingandaccountancy #class11accounts #finance Timeline 0:43 What is Accounts 4:17 Accounting definition IMRCSAIC 4:49 Steps in Accounting 17:31 Book Keeping and Accounting 22:18 Accounting and Accountancy 24:08 is Accounts a Science or Art 26:14 Advantage of Accounts 32:47 Limitation of Accounts 39:00 Objective of Accounting 40:35 Function of Accounting 41:20 Qualitative characteristic of Accounting 45:36 Branch of Accounting 48:48 Users of Accounting