WARNING⚠️ Free Your LEGS From Witchcraft Manipulations - How Witches Use Your FEET To ATTACK You!
How To IDENTIFY And Destroy the Witchraft Attacking Your feet As you listen to this message I anoint your feet in the name of the father, the son and the Holy Spirit. Every secret work of witchcraft done against your feet causing delay, stagnation and failure, by the power in the blood of Jesus, I render those work null and void, in the mighty name of Jesus.... FOLLOW US ON: Facebook: https://web.facebook.com/profile.php?... WhatsApp: https://whatsapp.com/channel/0029VadZ... BECOME A PART OF GOD'S ARMY: Join my channel and become a monthly member with many perks and benefits / @dremmanueldavid Support Our Efforts With A Donation: https://buymeacoffee.com/dremmanueldavid https://buymeacoffee.com/dremmanueldavid Protection Through Jesus Blood,Soaking In Blood Of Jesus,Angel Protection,prayer against witchcraft by apostle joshua selman,sending back to sender,prayers against delay and setbacks,judgement day is here,the end of the world #100NamesOfGod #DefeatAnySituation #InstantTransformation #DeeperRevelation #prayerforchildren #MysteriousChrist #divineinterventions #godscharacter #prayerwarriors #blessedlifestyle #christcenteredlife #spiritualawakeningsigns #godspromises #victoriousliving #PrayAndConquer #healingprayersforthesick #breakthroughprayers #transformedlife #thebloodofjesus #pleadtheblood #peacefulsleepnow #prayersforsafety #spiritualshield #peacefulnights 1. #BreakFreeFromWitchcraftLegLock 2. #ProtectYourStepsFromDarkForces 3. #LegsFreeFromSpiritualManipulation #WitchcraftLegAttack #SpiritualLegProtection #LegsAgainstDarkMagic #FreeYourFeetFromCurses #LegProtectionPrayers #WitchcraftProtectionTips #LegsAndSpiritualWarfare #BreakWitchcraftCursesOnYourLegs