asmr ☆ typing for your napping ☆ no talking/keyboard sounds

asmr ☆ typing for your napping ☆ no talking/keyboard sounds

If I'm being kind to myself for a change, I'd say I liked the way this video turned out a lot more than the others. Thumbnail too. I used to make techno-PC-open browser window doodles like this back in my school days and I thought it would be sort of neat to theme it around a keyboard. People tend to gravitate towards thumbnails with arrows on them...for some there you go, there's the arrow. Follow it lol I've posted a black/dark screen version before, but I knew eventually I wanted to challenge myself to post one with a video lol After I trimmed my nails, of course lol I also used some nail oil so they would appear a little shiny lol The Pikachu sleeping in the corner looks a tad demonic in the dark...that was unintentional. I didn't know he would look like that by the end result. And the blue guy in the upper corner...I don't know how to feel about him lol The fairy lights were a last minute addition. I thought it would elevate the recording and I kind of like it, it's cozy. I see keyboard videos with props and décor scattered through YouTube. I wondered is that what people want? Is that what they like? It's a tad unrealistic. I don't have a lot to work with. I just want things to seem generally relaxed and cute. I like those intricate keyboard videos, but I can only offer what I can personally offer lol Well, I know some of you will like my video anyway and that's enough for me. good night, sleep tight?⌒☆