#skmu dumka semester 2 exam form fillup notice #skmu dumka semester 2 new update form fillup

#skmu dumka semester 2 exam form fillup notice #skmu dumka semester 2 new update form fillup

#skmu dumka semester 2 exam form fillup notice #skmu dumka semester 2 new update form fillup,#semester 2 skmu Dumka new update, #semester 2, #skmu new exam update, #skmu dumka syllabus change update 2024, #nep sem 2, skmu new exam update today, semester 2 skmu Dumka exam syllabus change, skmu Dumka new syllabus update, #skmu university dumka, #skmu dumka news PDF डाउनलोड करने के लिए इस लिंक पर क्लिक कीजिए। https://drive.google.com/file/d/1V8AU... Sidhu Kanu murmu University Dumka exam form fillup ,Following is the revised schedule of online submission of Examination form in the College/University office for U.G. Sem. II (2022-26) Exam. 2023 under NEP-2020 01. Date for submission of Examination forms without fee 02. Date for submission of Examination forms with late fine 500/- for those students who had not filled up examination form earlier. From 11.03.2024 to 18.03.2024 From 19.03.2024 to 20.03.2024 Date for submission of approved copy of examination form by the Colleges/Departments. In the light of correction made in the meeting of Academic Council held on 07.03.2024 students are directed to fill their Examination Form for UG Sem.-II (2022-26) Exam. 2023 (NEP-2020). The students will have to appear in the stream of following subjects -