Most important exercise to get up from the floor ⚠️

Most important exercise to get up from the floor ⚠️

The key is… Single leg strength ‼️ The short clip of the woman in this video represents the possibilities of this exercise! This is one of the primary exercises we focused on to help her get up from the floor with bone on bone knees ☝🏽 It can be possible to build the strength to feel confident standing up again 💪🏽 Starting with 5-8 repetitions each side can be a good place to start. Use support as needed and modify as your body needs ⚠️ Now I know kneeling can be tricky but that is also something that can be improved upon ✅ There is a whole Level inside of Adventurers for Life, my arthritis workout membership that works on single leg strength and building up the tolerance to kneeling with specific exercises ☝🏽 This exercise can be a great place to start but you have to continue to progress and add in different movements for maximum results ⚠️ If you want to learn more about Adventurers for Life, comment “single leg strength” down below and I’ll send you a link to a free trial 🙌🏼 #singlelegstrength #getupfromthefloor #upfromthefloor #floortransfer #kneeling #standupfromfloor #kneearthritis #kneepain #kneerehab #kneeexercises #physicaltherapist #physicaltherapy #arthritis Not medical advice. Try at your own risk.