SECOND SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME ( YEAR C) SUNDAY JANUARY 16TH, 2022 Isaiah 62:1-5, Psalm 96:1-2.2-3.7-8.9-10a (R.3), Corinthians 12:4-11, John 2:1-11 THE WEDDING AT CANA IS A SYMBOL OF HOPE AND STRENGTH God's generosity to us is beyond measure and calculation. He continues to invite us to the feast of abundance. In the Gospel text, Mary notices that the wine had run out and she quickly acted to save the couple from disgrace. She could have remained passive and unconcerned, but she sees the shame of the couple as her own. Hence, she turns to her Son (the Second Adam) because she is convinced of his power and authority. She is sure that her Son would not turn down her request. Thus, the New Eve (Mary) believes in the Second Adam (Jesus), that he is the Son of God. Before now, the First woman (Eve) found herself in a situation of abundance in the garden, but she initiated a breakdown. Now, the New woman (Mary) reverses the breakdown and dryness. She is here in Cana at the beginning of the New Creation and she would be there at Calvary, the climax of the New Creation. In all, the intervention of Jesus makes the difference. Initially, there seems to be an expression of disengagement, but there's an internal force which makes him (Jesus) to do something. The performance of this miracle connects the present to the future, the 'hour' of glorification when he would pour out his own blood for purification of sins. In short, the real bridegroom at the wedding is Jesus himself. Obviously, the six stone jars (for the Jewish rites of purification) bring to mind the imperfection of the Jews, one short of seven as the number symbolic of perfection; but our Lord transforms them into grace. Apparently, this miracle of abundance gives hope to the disciples and other witnesses who came to believed in Him. Today, we rejoice in God who does not abandon his children to fate. In the first reading, we see the assurance of His goodness and willingness to save us. This is why Paul exhorts us in the second reading that God pours out his blessings on us inoder to change our dryness into fullness. So, no matter the insufficiencies in our life, let's bring them before God who transforms hopelessness to hopefulness. Subscribe to my YouTube Channel for more videos Follow me on my social media pages below Facebook:   / frsamshomily   Instagram:   / _frsamshomily