How to Design and Animate Lower Thirds. Adobe After Effects Tutorial

How to Design and Animate Lower Thirds. Adobe After Effects Tutorial

Hey there! So, I've been trying to come up with some cool ideas for a Lower Third animation project and decided to hit YouTube for inspiration. But, to be honest, I was pretty disappointed with what I found. Everything seemed to be the same old thing. So, I decided to make something truly unique. And, guess what? I'm super excited to share my new tutorial with you! It's all about designing and animating your very own awesome and modern Lower Third in Adobe After Effects. Make sure to watch the full tutorial, to learn how to create a duplicate of your lower third, and even create one with video footage! On top of all, you will learn how to control the animation's intro and outro using the Markers! Credit for the Expression:    / @dopemotions   Download the assets for this project here: Save some time and Click here to Download the project file. Don't need to create duplicates. Just Open the Comp and insert your assets: 00:00 - Intro 00:15 - Design 06:28 - Animation 11:12 - Smart Controller 13:57 - Create a Duplicate with Video 🏆Start Learning Adobe After Effects - The Efficient Way🏆 Take your career seriously and join over 10,000 students worldwide at Design in Motion School! ⭐Discover over 150 effects and project files for just $6⭐ 🤝Let's be friends on Instagram:   / valeri_visuals   💻I'm available for hire: [email protected] 💎See my Portfolio here: