Chapter- 5 (FULL) "SPECIALIZED KNOWLEDGE" | Think and grow Rich Book
Chapter- 5 (FULL) "SPECIALIZED KNOWLEDGE" | Think and grow Rich Book By Napoleon Hill Hindi Book Summary think and grow rich summary think and grow rich audiobook think and grow rich movie think and grow rich napoleon hill think and grow rich think and grow rich chapter 5 think and grow rich chapter 1 think and grow rich chapter 2 think and grow rich chapter 7 financial education grand audiobooks whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe law of success the science of getting rich personal finance outwitting the devil #Think_and_Grow_Rich #Napoleon_Hill #Best_hindi_audio_book #booktok #books #bookreview FULL EXPLANATION CHAPTER 02 DESIRE : • Chapter - 2 (FULL) "DESIRE" "Full | T... AUTO SUGGESTION FULL EXPLANATION:- • Chapter - 4 (FULL) "AUTO SUGGESTION" ... Chapter 01 ( THOUGHTS ARE THINGS) Part 01 Book Summary Link: • Chapter -1 (Part-1) "THOUGHTS ARE THI... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For Contact, Collaboration and Pramotion Contact on :- E-mail:- [email protected] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Book Introduction Summary Link:- Think and grow rich is one of the great book for readers it's add lot of value and help to become successful. This book has ability to change mind set completely in positive way. There is fifteen chapter in book that help you to alot to understand how to attract money and other things also in life to make it better. I this channel you will get explanation and summary of book in chapter form. We will give you entire book Summary with explanation chapter by chapter. We are discussing chapter number "05 - SPECIALIZED KNOWLEDGE" in this chapter we will learn about to convert your KNOWLEDGE in to physical form. Actually lot of people think that after school and college study is not important but it is wrong. School and college give us a pattern of learning but continue learning is essential for growth. Lot people think that knowledge is power but according to "NEPOLEON HILL" it's not 100% true. If your knowledge can not help you to become successful, become rich, help you to achieve goal it's useless. To understand what kind of knowledge is important to achieve goal, Your goal will guide you properly. In chapter numbers:- o2 "DESIRE" there is six important steps to become rich that is :- [[ 1:- Think about a fix amount of money that you want and it shoul be calculative. 2:- Make a plan that what you will give against your goal ( Remember nothing is free ). 3 :- Make a fix date (Time Boundary) to menifest you goal. 4 :- Make real plan to achieve it and involve your self to start the work. Don't think you are fully ready or not. 5 :- Make a short discription to mix 1,2 and 3 steps, completely neat and clean. 6 :- Read this discription two times a day. Before sleep in night and after the sleep in the morning. ]] And when you practice all steps you will get an idea that which type of knowledge is important... These steps are spinal of this book. In every chapter these step will need to know so every reader or listeners have to write don't this on paper. This book is full of knowledge about the money and life. Let's know about other chapters. Chapter 1 – Thoughts Are Things. Chapter 2 – Desire. Chapter 3 – Faith. Chapter 4 – Autosuggestion. Chapter 5 – Specialized Knowledge. Chapter 6 – Imagination. Chapter 7 – Organized Planning. Chapter 8 – Decision. Chapter 9 – Persistence Chapter 10 – Power of The Mastermind Chapter 11 – The Mystery of Sex Transmutation Chapter 12 – The Subconscious Mind Chapter 13 – The Brain Chapter 14 – The Sixth Sense Chapter 15 – The Six Ghosts of Fear