Silent Night - Easy Beginner Fretless Cigar Box Guitar "No Chat" Lesson - Christmas Music

Silent Night - Easy Beginner Fretless Cigar Box Guitar "No Chat" Lesson - Christmas Music

Very easy to learn/play beginner arrangement of the Christmas Carol - Silent Night - arguably the most popular Christmas song of all time. How to play just using a slide on a 3 string fretless (slide) Cigar Box Guitar. leçon de guitare de boîte à cigares. lección de guitarra de caja de cigarros. Zigarrenkisten-Gitarrenunterricht. You can email me at [email protected] If you would like a free copy of one of my simple tabs or have a question. Donations for strings and picks are welcome! Tip Jar: Thanks for the support! Lessons are available on my YouTube Channel:    / @busker909   I use basic DIY guitars that are easy and inexpensive to make. #shorts #busker909 #nochat #easylesson #christmas #silentnight #christmasmusic #cigarboxguitarlesson #learntoplay #learncigarboxguitar