3 Top Tips for Low Tech Planted Tanks 🌿💦🍀 #shorts #plantedtank #fishtank

3 Top Tips for Low Tech Planted Tanks 🌿💦🍀 #shorts #plantedtank #fishtank

These are my Top 3 Tips for keeping a successful low tech planted tank. Subscribe to my channel to stay on top of your planted tank! ⬇️    / @freshflowaquatics   Plant list - almost all the plants ⬇️ Amazon swords Java fern windwlov Water wisteria Parrot feather Heteranthera zosterifolia Ludwigia atlantis Cryptocoryne undulata Cryptocoryne walkeri Bucephalandra catherinae green Tiger lotus Staurogyne repens Duckweed Water lettuce #shorts #plantedtank #fishtank #aquarium