Why GOD Created This Universe? #shorts

Why GOD Created This Universe? #shorts

Why Did God Create This World/HUMANS? Understanding the Divine Purpose" Did you ever wonder why, if God is complete, He created this world? The answer lies in the infinite consciousness and the divine expression of love that is ever-present in all of creation. Learn how this world is not a necessity for God, but a beautiful expansion of His limitless potential, as He experiences Himself in different forms and possibilities. As you explore this profound perspective, discover how the soul realizes its oneness with the Divine, seeing God in every part of the universe. This video unveils the true meaning behind creation and the divine flow of existence. If you want a deeper dive into this mystical understanding, comment below and let us know! We’d love to explore this topic further in future videos. Don’t forget to subscribe and turn on notifications to stay updated with our enlightening content. Thanks for Watching! Watch the life-changing realization that removed suffering from my life-    • Feeling Lost and Stuck? The Realisati...   Welcome to "Mystical Sanatan Vibes" a sacred sanctuary where ancient wisdom meets divine bliss. Immerse yourself in the mystical realms of Sanatan Dharma, exploring the profound teachings of our revered gods and embracing the serenity of spiritual vibrations. If you're enjoying our content, don't forget to hit that subscribe button and turn on notifications so you never miss a video. By subscribing, you'll be the first to know about our latest uploads and updates. Plus, it really helps support our channel and allows us to continue creating more great content for you. Thank you for your support! Join this channel to get access to perks:    / @mysticalsanatanvibes   Please ignore the tags from here.... #shorts #philosophy #purposeofcreation #purposeoflife #spirituality #brahman #creationinhinduism #sanatandharma Hinduism gods, Shiva, Brahma, Vishnu, Creation in Hinduism, Brahma god, Shiva's role as creator and destroyer, Hinduism and purpose of life, Spirituality in Hinduism, Moksha, Karma and Dharma, Mantras for meditation, Brahman concept in Hindu philosophy, Maha Shivaratri, Yoga and meditation in Hinduism, Hindu gods and goddesses, Brahman and Atman, Hindu temple practices, Divine Purpose, Hindu Spirituality, God's Creation, Oneness with God, Lord Shiva Teachings, Infinite Consciousness, Mystical Hindu Philosophy, Spiritual Freedom, Self-Realization, Ancient Indian Wisdom, Purpose of Life in Hinduism, Understanding God’s Creation, Cosmic Flow, Surrender to God, God’s Love and Expression, Brahman and Creation, Hindu Gods and Deities, Vedantic Teachings, Spiritual Awakening, God’s Infinite Potential, why did god create us,why did god create me,why did god create man,why did god create humans,why god created us,god,why god created you,why god created man,why did god create woman,why did god create the devil,why did god create the universe,why did god create satan,why did god create other planets,why god created the world,why did god create universe,why did god create us bible study,why did god create the tree of good and evil, explaining the universe, why humanity must overcome religion, journey through the universe, the man who solved the universe, why does god delay, god is doing a great work, god is better than good, old is god, how the universe was created, why was the universe created, did god create the universe by stephen hawking, how was the universe created from nothing, god creating the universe animation, story of how god created the world, why did god create us to worship him, who created the universe, jesus created the universe, who is the god of universe, what is the universe made of, why god created the tree of knowledge, why do we exist in the universe, why does the universe look like this, where god exist in universe, who god created the world, did god create the big bang, video of god creating the world, why did god create the devil, stephen hawking on god and the universe, gospel project god created the world, who is the powerful god in the universe, the universe how the solar system was made, why science does not believe in god, the science behind creating heaven on earth, is there scientific evidence that god exists,