Partnership firms-fundamentals | Ques-16&17 | Interest On Loan | Rent | Class-12 | Dk Goel Solutions
Partnership firms-fundamentals | Question - 16 & 17 | Loan A/C | Interest On Loan A/C | Treatment of Rent | Class-12 | Dk Goel | Dk Goel Solutions Session-2021-2022 | Profit and Loss Appropriation A/C Partner's Capital Account Journal entries Class-12 Solutions | Accounts | Fundamentals | Dk Goel Solutions | Session-2022 | Accounting for Partnership Firms-Fundamentals | Appropriation A/C | Fluctuating Capital | Fixed Capital Account | Class-12 Solution | Session - 2021-2022 | Accountancy 2022 Edition | Dk Goel Solutions | Partnership Accounts Class-12 | Accounts Chapter-1 Class-12 Solutions | Accounting for Partnership Firm Introduction Class-12 | Preparation of Profit and loss Appropriation A/C | Salaries to Partners | Salaries to Employees | Partner's Loan A/C | Interest On Loan | Commission to Partners | Manager's Commission | Interest on Capital | Net Profit | Interest on drawing | Reserves | Profit transferred to Partners Capital A/C | Trading A/C | Profit and loss A/C | Profit and Loss Appropriation A/C | Balance Sheet | Profit Sharing Ratio | E-learning Accounts and Maths Question - 16 & 17 Profit and Loss A/C Profit and Loss Appropriation A/C & Partner's Current Account Partner's Loan A/C Journal entries Class-12 Dk Goel Solutions Session-2022 Share ur queries and feedback in the comment section..... Ur Regards NAZIBA IBRAHIM Thanks You.... #DkGoelSolutions #InterestOnLoan #TreatmentOfRent #PartnersLoanAccount #PartnersCurrentAccount #PartnersCapitalAccount #Accountancy #FluctuatingCapital #FixedCapital #PartnerCommission #JournalEntries #Accounts #FluctuatingCapitalA/C #FixedCapitalA/C #Class12Solutions #PartnershipFirms #Profit&lossAppropriationA/C