parts of the body name || शरीर के अंगों के नाम || learn parts of the body names for kids
#partsofthebody #शरीर के अंगों के नाम #bodypartsforkids #eyesnoselips parts of the body name || शरीर के अंगों के नाम || आँख, नाक, कान, मुँह, || eyes, nose, ears, mouth, The main parts of your body include your head, which has your eyes, ears, nose, and mouth, your neck that connects your head to your body, your arms with hands and fingers, your torso (chest and tummy), and your legs with feet and toes; all working together to help you move, see, hear, smell, taste, and more!. Key points for kids: Head: Where you find your hair, eyes, ears, and mouth. Eyes: Help you see. Ears: Help you hear. Nose: Helps you smell. Mouth: Used for eating, talking, and tasting. Neck: Connects your head to your body. Arms: Used to reach, grab, and hold things. Legs: Help you walk, run, and jump. Hands and Feet: Have fingers and toes to help you grip and balance Parts of the body kids learning,body parts for learning videos,parts of the body,eyes,nose,lips,teeth,mouth,face,head,leg,hand,ears,शरीर के अंगों के नाम,Parts of the body eyes nose ears