Carol of the Bells | Easy Piano Tutorial
Learn how to play Carol of the Bells in this step-by-step video!! ‼️This is mostly geared towards beginner/intermediate piano players who already have a grasp on note names, finger numbers, and have played a few beginner pieces from the EASY PIANO TUTORIALS playlist. ➡️ Go at your own pace! Don't forget that you can click on the little gear ⚙️ icon to slow down the video. You can always pause and restart as many times as necessary. We all learn differently! :) ➡️ New tutorials are coming EVERY WEEK! Comment down below and let me know what you would like to learn! ➡️ pierrepiscitelli.com 🎼Books I’ve authored /co-authored: 📙https://www.amazon.com/Music-Lyle-May... 📙https://www.amazon.com/Eberhard-Lyle-... Chapters: 00:00 Intro and Play Through 00:32 Right Hand Part 1 01:50 Right Hand Part 2 02:32 Right Hand Part 3 05:47 Right Hand Part 4 07:04 Left Hand Parts 1 and 2 07:47 Left Hand Part 3 08:53 Left Hand Part 4 09:39 Hands Together 12:29 Outro 📷Gear that I used in this video: Yamaha CP40 Yamaha MG12XU Yamaha HS5 (S2) MacBook Pro (Running LPX and FCP X) Garritan CFX Piano VST Sony ZV-E10 iPhone 14 Pro Sennheiser MKE600 Shotgun Microphone Neewer NL660 Lights (X2) #learnpiano #pianolessons #pianotutorials #pianosongs #easypianosongs #pianosongsforbeginners #beginnerspiano #howtoplaypiano #easypianotutorial #christmasmusic #carolofthebells #pianocover #pianocovers #holidaymusic #christmassongs