How to prepare for the AKU test as an A'levels student?

How to prepare for the AKU test as an A'levels student?

Hello Everyone! 👋 We hope you're all doing well. 🌟 In this video our speaker Mohammad Dawar Zahid, a first year medical student at the Aga Khan University, will be giving us tips about how A-level students can prepare for the AKU test Navigating the AKU (Aga Khan University) test as an A-level student can feel overwhelming, but this video breaks down essential preparation strategies, from timing and key memorization to resource recommendations and the pros and cons specific to your educational background. 🧑‍⚕️ The contents of the video include: 00:00 Intro 00:35 When to Start Preparing ⏱️ 00:46 Important Constants to Memorize 🧠 08:01 Should You Join an Academy? 🤔 08:45 Valuable Resources 📚 10:40 Advantages and Disadvantages for A-level Students 👍👎 This video will help you understand how to effectively prepare for the AKU test if you're an A-level student. For more guidance videos on the AKU test and interview process, check out our AKU playlist. #premed #AKU #AKUAdmissions #MedicalCollege #mdcat #mdcatpreparation #akutest #doctors #medicalschool #mbbsmotivation #AgaKhanUniversity #doctors #medicalstudents #medicalcollege #colleges #karachi #Sindh #Pakistanmdcat #mdcatpractice #medstudent #medschools #mdcat2023 #2023admissions #agakhanmedicaluniveristy #hospital #graduation #alevels #fsc #intermediate #pmc #nums #mbbs #howtogetinmedschool #medical #academy #education #resources #biology #physics #chemistry #mdcatguide #akuguide #test #agakhan #firstyearmedicalstudent #timetable #preparation