Dyeing Yarn for St. Lucy's Day 🕯️
Welcome to Lauren's Lab! Let's dye some yarn with Granite State Yarns! This St. Lucy's Day colorway was dyed for my December 2024 Ora et Labora Yarn Club. Sign up for this monthly yarn club for Catholic themed sock yarn delivered straight to your door. I also have a Christmas Socks Club and a few others if you are curious about other themes. Check ut www.granitestateyarns.com for more information. *** Warning: Dyeing is a lot of fun, but if you ever try to dye your own yarn, be careful! You'll need gloves, a mask, and eye protection. You'll be using hot water, so watch out for burns. Don't use pans or utensils that you cook your food with--dyes can be toxic. Do your research and be sure to follow all safety precautions. This yarn is currently available in my shop. Please also take a look at the other fun stuff I have available for purchase. I'm super excited about the new yarn club subscriptions! https://granitestateyarns.com/collect... You can find me here: Website: http://www.granitestateyarns.com Instagram: @granitestateyarns TikTok: @granitestateyarns Ravelry: @granitestateyarns Ravelry Project Pages: https://www.ravelry.com/projects/Gran... JMJ+ I think that is everything! If I forgot anything or you have questions, just leave me a comment and I'll get the info for you lickity-split. Recorded November 2024