What if Trees started Working? + more videos | #aumsum #kids #children #education #whatif

What if Trees started Working? + more videos | #aumsum #kids #children #education #whatif

Buy AumSum Merchandise: https://www.aumsum.com What if Trees started Working? Firstly, if Trees started Working, some Trees are huge in size, they may occupy the entire office space. Secondly, if Trees started Working, animals who live on trees may start working as the Tree's assistants. Thirdly, if Trees started Working, Trees require sun-rays to grow, we may have to give up our favorite office space. Fourthly, if Trees started Working, Trees have huge roots, we may start slipping on them. Fifthly, if Trees started Working, Trees are used to standing for long durations, we may not be able to compete against them. Lastly, if Trees started Working, Trees and insects go hand in hand, we may have no option but to work along with them. Timecodes 0:00 - What if Trees started Working? 1:26 - What if Gold's value became Zero? 2:37 - What if our Head becomes 10 times Bigger?