All Lego Avengers Sets 2020 - Lego Speed Build Review
All Lego Avengers Sets 2020 0:00:00 40418 Falcon & Black Widow Team-Up 0:03:11 76140 Iron Man Mech 0:06:01 76141 Thanos Mech 0:09:26 76142 Avengers Speeder Bike Attack 0:14:10 76143 Avengers Truck Take-down 0:22:27 76152 Avengers Wrath of Loki 0:29:15 76153 Avengers Helicarrier 0:48:52 76164 Iron Man Hulkbuster versus A.I.M. Agent 0:56:52 76165 Iron Man Helmet 1:03:41 76166 Avengers Tower Battle 1:16:24 76167 Iron Man Armory ►find good LEGO deals* https://austrianbrickfan.link/ABFLE1 ►my used equipment ( PC components, Camera etc. ) you find here * https://austrianbrickfan.link/ABFHW1 ►Fan-Shop *: https://austrianbrickfan.myspreadshop... ►I use DX Racer chairs* : https://www.dxracer-germany.de/Produk... ►Never miss a new Video! ►Click HERE to subscribe to AustrianBrickFan https://www.youtube.com/c/AustrianLeg... ►Click here for the best Videos https://www.youtube.com/AustrianLegoF... ►Here are some shops where you can buy LEGO Sets : Amazon (US)* : https://amzn.to/2E6Ivus Amazon (EU)* : https://amzn.to/3rEYS6V JB Toys* : https://austrianbrickfan.link/ABFJB1 LEGO (GB)* : https://tinyurl.com/y84fv7j9 LEGO (EU)* : https://austrianbrickfan.link/LEGOnews ►Be part of our community and join us on : 👤 Instagram https://austrianbrickfan.link/Instagram 👤 Facebook / austrianlegofan 👤 Twitter / austrianbrick 👤 Twitch / austrianbrickfan 👤 Telegram https://t.me/AustrianBrickFan 👤 TikTok / austrianbrickfan The Song of the Intro is from Nerd School - Do I have a Witness thanks for permission to use it! Here you find the complete song : • Do I Have a Witness Check out Nerd School: • Nerd School EPK ℗ 2012 POTTpeople : https://pottpeople.ruhr Distributed by Zebralution GmbH The other music in this Video is paid! You can find it here* : https://www.epidemicsound.com/referra... The links marked with * are affiliate links. The offers on this pages do not come from me, but I get through the link a commission when a purchase takes place! There are no costs for you! You only support this channel! Many Thanks! :) #lego #legoavengers #avengers #austrianlegofan #buildthemall