Catholic Mass - 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time 20 October 2024 - LIVESTREAM

Catholic Mass - 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time 20 October 2024 - LIVESTREAM

TODAY’S READINGS First Reading — Is 53: 10-11 Psalm — Ps 32: 4-5,18-20, 22 Second Reading — Hebr 4: 14-16 Gospel — Mk 10: 35-45 The True Greatness Jesus reshapes our perception of greatness. When James and John ask for places of honor, He redirects their focus toward serving others. This moment highlights that true leadership in Christ’s kingdom is rooted in humility and selflessness, not power. Jesus exemplifies this by stating that He came to serve, not to be served—an inspiring model for all believers. As we reflect on this passage, we are prompted to examine our own motives. Are we pursuing recognition and influence, or are we open to the quieter, often unnoticed role of a servant? In a society that values status and achievement, Jesus invites us to redefine success. By serving others, we embody His love and purpose, finding fulfillment not in our ambitions but in our commitment to uplift those around us. Ultimately, greatness is measured by our ability to love and serve, mirroring the heart of Christ. #29thSundayInOrdinaryTime #catholicmass #20Oct2024 #LIVESTREAM #HolyCross #Frhenrysiew #Frandrewlin #FrJohnKing