RECTIFICATION OF ERRORS Chapter -17 T.S.Grewal Solution Question -39 & 40 Class -11 accounts 2022
RECTIFICATION OF ERRORS Chapter -17 T.S.Grewal Solution Question -39 & 40 Class -11 accounts 2022 A Trial Balance disclosed a difference of 417 placed on the credit side of the Suspense Account. Later on the following errors were located: (i) Goods worth 200 purchased from Sohan had been posted to his account as 250. (ii) A purchase of furniture for 500 was recorded in the Purchases Book. ii) Instead of crediting Gian's Account with ? 512, it was debited with 215. (iv) Goods worth 130 returned by Gian were entered in the Sales Book and posted therefrom to the credit of Gian's Personal Account. Pass the rectifying entries and prepare a Suspense Account. (MSE Chandigarh) [Total of Suspense Account-727.] 40. There was a difference of 720 in the Trial Balance which has been transferred to the credit side of the Suspense Account. Pass the rectifying entries and prepare a Suspense Account to rectify the following errors: (i) An amount of 375 now posted on the debit side of the Commission Account instead of 275. (ii) Credit amount of 260 posted to the debit of the Personal Account as 360. (iii) Goods sold to Surinder recorded in Purchases Book 300. (iv) D's bill for erection of godown at a cost of 1,200 has been charged to the Repairs Account. #msacademyaccounts #tsgrewal2022 #accounts #class11accounts #manojsharma #accountancy #accounting #chapter17 #solution39 #solution40 #rectificationoferror