33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time /year B/ Homily for 17th November 2024
#gospel #bible #catholicfaith #catholic #jesus #catholicchurch #christian #catholicism #church #faith #god #jesuschrist #christianity #bible #catholiclife #catholicfaith #love #romancatholic #prayer #rosary #pray #christ #katolik #catholics #religion #virginmary #holyspirit #bibleverse #catolico #catholicfamily #saints #catholicsaints #gospel #Nov. 17, 2024 - #Thirty_third_Sunday_in_Ordinary Time. Readings: Daniel 12: 1-3; Psalm 16: 5, 8, 9-10, 11; Hebrews 10: 11-14, 18; Mark 13: 24-32 Introduction. In the book of Daniel, we hear about a vision of the final days, a time of great distress like none before it. However, Daniel also talks about hope and salvation for those who remain faithful. The promise is not one of avoidance of suffering, but rather of deliverance through it. Today’s Psalm is a prayer of trust in God’s constant protection and guidance. The psalmist finds confidence in God’s promises: “You will not abandon my soul to Sheol, nor let your faithful one undergo corruption." This psalm encourages us to live in trust, finding our security in God alone. The letter to the Hebrews reminds us of the finality and completeness of Christ’s sacrifice. Unlike the repetitive sacrifices offered by priests under the old covenant, Jesus offered a single, perfect sacrifice for our sins, which is the good news that gives us hope and strength as we face the trials and uncertainties of life. Our calling, then, is to remain faithful to Him and to live lives that reflect His love and grace. In today’s Gospel, Jesus speaks about the end times, describing cosmic signs and the coming of the Son of Man in glory