10 Ways To Increase Testosterone Naturally
When a man has a decreased testosterone level, he might experience symptoms including lack of energy, moodiness, weight gain, low self-esteem, thinner bones, higher-pitched voice, and sparse body hair. There are many misconceptions when it comes to testosterone. Some people believe that the more testosterone a man has, the more "macho" he is. Others are sure that testosterone is an exclusively male hormone. In reality, both men and women produce this hormone. But men simply have a higher level of testosterone in their bodies. In any case, there are men who would give an arm and a leg to have as much testosterone in their system as possible. Luckily, there are some ways to boost this hormone naturally, and it's not exactly rocket science. TIMESTAMPS: Try weight lifting and exercising 1:06 Keep stress and cortisol levels to a minimum 2:38 Follow a balanced diet rich in proteins, carbs, and fat 3:10 Get enough sunlight or take a vitamin D supplement 3:55 Get enough restful sleep 4:43 Take mineral and vitamin supplements 5:12 Take natural testosterone boosters 5:54 Lead a healthy lifestyle and avoid estrogen-like compounds 6:24 Review your medications 6:50 Lose weight 7:19 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Subscribe to BRIGHT SIDE FIT: http://bit.ly/3lFgY6e ___________________________________⤴ Other videos you might like: 10 Home Simple Exercises to Lose Leg Fat (Without Gaining Muscle) • 10 Home Simple Exercises to Lose Leg ... 12-Minute Full Body Home Workout (Legs, Waist, Abs, Back, Arms) • 12-Minute Full Body Home Workout (Leg... ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This video is created by Bright Side Fit. Music by Epidemic Sound https://www.epidemicsound.com/ Stock materials (photos, footages and other): https://www.depositphotos.com https://www.shutterstock.com https://www.storyblocks.com #brigtsidefit #brightside