How To Install an Amp Wiring Kit

How To Install an Amp Wiring Kit

How to install an amplifier wiring kit in your car. I unbox the Kicker PK4 amp kit, show you how to set up the fuse, how to route the battery cable, and remote turn-on cable, as well as how to set up the ground cable. I am doing this install in my 2020 WRX STI. Kicker PK4 AMP Kit I installed (4 gauge) →→ Kicker CK8 AMP Kit (8 gauge + RCA Cables) →→ Retaining Clip Kit I Show →→ How to Remove the glovebox:    • How to Remove 2015+ WRX Glovebox and ...   Other videos in this series: How to Install Component Speakers:    • How to Install Component Speakers | A...   LC7I Line Out Converter Discussion:    • LC7i Active Line Out Converter Discus...   More coming! __________________________________________________________________________________ →→Check out my MERCH! →→ →→ This is my personally curated list of fantastic car products. Many of these you can see in my YouTube videos. Be sure to read the comments to see why they made the list! __________________________________________________________________________________ → Consider subscribing:    / @akqjtn   → Instagram:   / boostandshutter   → Facebook:   / boostandshutter   → Twitter:   / boostshutter   ___________________________________________________________________________________ Links above may be affiliate. Using these links costs nothing more to you. I will always provide my honest opinion about the products I use and acknowledge any sponsor. __________________________________________________________________________________ Thanks for Watching! #STI #CARAUDIO #WRX