Nutrition for Drugs - Pharmacist Ben Fuchs - Moment of Truth
While sometimes helpful for reducing symptoms, there are no prescription drugs that can heal or reverse chronic disease states. Even worse, pharmaceuticals put some serious duress on the body. They're quite literally poisons that inhibit, suppress and block natural biochemistry, in the name of symptomatic benefit. Even worse, they have to be detoxified and eliminated, requiring complicated enzymatic processing by the liver and kidney. Aside from side effects, which are inevitable, medications deplete precious nutritional resources, which can lead to further toxicity and physiologic breakdown. For those taking regular prescription meds, though you may need to be on them in the short term, to keep you in the game, your primary health challenge should be to figure out how to wean yourself off. If you can't completely get off your meds, even dropping your dose can reduce their harmful effects. One of the easiest ways to support dose reduction and mitigate toxicity is to use nutrients, especially the amino acid glutamine, MSM sulfur, selenium, zinc, vitamin C and the B complex, especially folate. N-acetyl cysteine is a chelating agent with detox benefits, alpha-lipoic acid and CoQ10 are key players in liver health. Dietary strategies are important too, especially eliminating or reducing problem and processed foods as well as sugar. Don't forget your fruits and veggies. Their flavonoids, carotenes and other phytonutrients are critical for lightening the stress load on cells induced by poisonous pharmaceuticals, while the plant fiber they contain can improve their intestinal elimination. Find more Alternative Empowering articles, videos and sign up for our newsletter at: http://criticalhealthnews.com/?uid=10... Click Here To Subscribe: https://bit.ly/2GO9Cvn Follow Us On Twitter: / criticalhealthn Follow Us On Facebook: / criticalhealthnews Image by Arek Socha from Pixabay: https://pixabay.com/illustrations/pil... #BenFuchs #CriticalHealthNews #Nutrition #Coast2CoastAM