How To Make a Terrarium - A SIMPLE Beginner Guide
Terrariums don’t need to be complicated, after watching this video you’ll know exactly how to make your own self sustaining mini ecosystem! Terrariums are a great way to bring a little bit of nature inside, & although they can seem a little daunting at first this tutorial will help get you started! Check out my Ebook to learn everything you need to know to make and care for a terrarium! https://terrariumdesigns.co.uk/produc... Check out my weekly newsletter, Wednesday Updates! Includes updates on my ecosystems, tips & tricks, an early look at upcoming projects as well as a chance to be featured! https://terrariumdesigns.substack.com Materials - Amazon Links (affiliate) Glassware- https://amzn.to/3W4FSxr Drainage- https://amzn.to/3FEQ0Gn Window screen mesh- https://amzn.to/3Yv2lp0 Substrate alternative- https://amzn.to/3WnfSgA Lava rock- https://amzn.to/3Wq8Rf3 Moss- Fern moss Plant- Peperomia caperata Good LED light- https://amzn.to/3HKoLNi Terrarium tools- https://amzn.to/3HJDBmY Music- Outlaw's Farewell (part II) - Reed Mathis