BREAKUP : How To Deal With It ? #shorts #breakup
Here are 3 simple ways to move on after a breakup fast. If you are going through a breakup then here are 3 things that will help you recover . 1. Accept it Before you can move on from a relationship that is no longer healthy, you’ll need to give yourself however much time and space is necessary to get to a place of acceptance. “Even though it may not have worked out the way you wanted, accepting that the relationship was limited and is over is very important,” Dr. Orloff advises. So even if it seems to be taking a long time – and you’re tired of taking two steps forward, then one step back – be gentle with yourself during the process, she says. If you catch yourself harboring fantasies of getting back together – or envisioning that delicious scene in which he comes crawling back to you – just smile at yourself and turn those visions off. Accept that this chapter of your life has closed and tell yourself you’ll be bette 3. Stop talking about him In the beginning, you’ll probably need to get everything off your chest by talking about the break-up with friends and relatives. That’s healthy. Go ahead and get it all out. Bottling up emotions is not conducive moving on, and can be downright unhealthy. Your emotions are real and valid, so talking about your break-up with a trusted friend can be quite helpful at first, as long as this friend isn’t also friends with your ex. Once you’ve let it all out, try to stop talking about him, Dr. Orloff recommends. If you don’t, your friends may start avoiding your company. Talk about something else – or better yet, let your friends talk instead. They might not say so, but they’ll welcome the reprieve. 4. Skip the blame game While it’s tempting to play the blame game after a break-up, it won’t help you get over him. Whether you blame him or yourself, going over and over hurtful scenarios only keeps you focused on negative emotions. So close the book on that chapter of your life and focus on figuring out how to move on. Resist the urge to blame yourself, him, or anyone else (your meddling parents, his annoying friends) for what went wrong in the relationship. It didn’t work out and probably wasn’t meant to be. Accept that fact and move on to something better. 5. Learn from it Part of learning how to move on after a break-up is learning from your experience. This includes the break-up itself as well as your entire relationship with him. Ask yourself what words or behaviors you’d want to repeat in the future, and which things you aren’t proud of yourself for saying or doing. “Learn whatever lessons the relationship presented and focus on a bright future of love and positive healthy connections to come,” Dr. Orloff says. Think about what was great about the relationship, what wasn’t so great and what led to the demise of the relationship. Write it all down and use these notes to help you improve your overall relationship skills. 6. Picture yourself over him Picture yourself completely over your ex. This may take some time, but keep working at it until the picture of your new life is truly in focus. Then enjoy feeling that sense of pride and accomplishment for getting over him and moving on.