All Depends on Our Possessing (Alles ist an Gottes Segen)
Check out the complete list of all 6000+ hymns and 200+ solo classical piano music I have recorded: https://www.andrewremillard.com/compl... Paypal: [email protected] Patreon: / andrewremillard GiveSendGo: https://www.givesendgo.com/AndrewRemi... If you would like to learn more about my work on Christian Hymnody follow the link to my website. All Depends on Our Possessing (Alles ist an Gottes Segen) Text by: Unknown c 1673 Translation: Catherine Winkworth 1858 Tune: Alles ist an Gottes Segen by: Johann B Konig 1738 1. All depends on our possessing God's abundant grace and blessing, Though all earthly wealth depart. He who trusts with faith unshaken In His God is not forsaken And e'er keeps a dauntless heart. 2. He who hitherto hath fed me And to many joys hath led me, Is and ever shall be mine. He who did so gently school me, He who still doth guide and rule me, Will remain my Help divine. 3. Many spend their lives in fretting Over trifles and in getting Things that have no solid ground. I shall strive to win a treasure That will bring me lasting pleasure And that now is seldom found. 4. When with sorrow I am stricken, Hope my heart anew will quicken, All my longing shall be stilled. To His loving-kindness tender Soul and body I surrender; For in Him alone I build. 5. Well He knows what best to grant me; All the longing hopes that haunt me, Joy and sorrow, have their day. I shall doubt His wisdom never,-- As God wills, so be it ever,-- I to Him commit my way. 6. If on earth my days He lengthen, He my weary soul will stengthen; All my trust in Him I place. Earthly wealth is not abiding, Like a stream away is gliding; Safe I anchor in His grace. SUBSCRIBE TO MY YOUTUBE CHANNEL: / @andrewremillard FOLLOW ME ON SOCIAL MEDIA: / andrew.remillard.1 / andrewremillardpianist / andrewremillard HYMN PLAYLISTS: Complete playlist of my hymn recording: • Hymns of the Christian Faith