Behold | Live from September 24, 2023
The empty filled, the wounded healed, the broken back together The poor are blessed, the weary rest, we will dance forever The blinded see, the chained are free, the doubtful now believer The outcast known, the orphan home, You are my Redeemer Refrain: Behold, behold, behold what love can do Behold, behold, He's making all things new The lost return, the voiceless heard, the mourner now rejoicing The mountains shake, the world awake, creation all composing The sad untrue, the earth renewed, the song has found its singer The darkness light, the dead alive, You are my Redeemer (Refrain x2) We've been struck down, we're not destroyed We've sown in tears, we'll reap in joy (x2) My eyes are open, my eyes are open My eyes are open, my eyes are open (Refrain x3) Taylor Leonhardt © Black MTN Music and Integrity Worship Music CCLI Song # 7144966 CCLI License # P557160 For more information, please visit westendcc.org