Jeremiah 1 - I Set You Apart || Bible in Song || Project of Love

Jeremiah 1 - I Set You Apart || Bible in Song || Project of Love

Hiraeth. It's a Welsh word and it's hard to translate well, but it describes our longing for belonging. For years, before I'd given my life to Papa, I had a deep sense of not belonging. Like I had been dropped off on the wrong planet. This world has never felt like my home. My home was somewhere else. So I've always felt like an outsider, like there was something wrong with me. It cultivated a suicidal life(-style) with deep depressions and addictions. Addictions to escape these feelings. No matter how successful I was, I felt empty, small and insignificant. Estranged from the world and its people. In my encounter with God, some 4.5 years ago, I was freed from depression and I experienced a peace that transcends all understanding. For the first time in my life I truly felt like I belonged. And the months and years after that God showed me what it means to be a part of an unseen Kingdom but one that is very tangible nevertheless. And Jeremiah 1: 5-10 was one of the first verses given to me by the Holy Spirit. It says in verse 5: ‭‭ “I knew you before I formed you in your mother’s womb. Before you were born I set you apart..." You know what that means? The God of heaven and earth created me with deep love, care and attention. I was no accident. Now this world still doesn't feel like my home, but I belong here, I was made for such a time as this. Now, you know what the really good news is? This is not just true for me or Jeremiah. It's true for you too. You are wanted. Planned. Accepted. Loved and you belong. You SO belong. Even if you don't feel at home here, that's ok. Your true home is waiting for you, anyway ;) But that doesn't mean you don't belong here. This world is not complete without you. --- EVERY FRIDAY A NEW SONG! Follow and subscribe to support us and spread the Word! 🔥🙌 Spotify: Apple Music:   / project-of-love   Instagram:   / _projectoflove   --- SUPPORT XANDER & PROJECT OF LOVE: --- FREE CHORD SHEETS: --- LYRICS Jeremiah 1 - I Set You Apart 5. I knew you before I formed you in your mother’s womb. Before you were born I set you apart 8. Don’t be afraid of the people, for I will be with you and will protect you. 9. I have put my words in your mouth! 11. "Look! What do you see?" I see a branch from an almond tree. 12. “Good eyes! I’m sticking with you. I’ll make every word I give you come true.” 18. Today I've made you strong like a fortified city Today I've made you strong like a concrete wall 19. They will fight you, but they will fail. For I am with you, and I will take care of you. Yes, I will back you up every inch of the way. - Song by Xander Stok, Project of Love. Words from the New Living Translation (NLT) Verse 12, 18 & 19: The Message Translation (MSG) - 0:00 Intro 0:15 Jeremiah 1:5 1:07 Jeremiah 1:8 1:20 Jeremiah 1:9 1:35 Jeremiah 1:11 1:44 Jeremiah 1:12 1:52 Jeremiah 1:18 2:04 Jeremiah 1:19 2:51 Jeremiah 1:5 --- BIBLE TRANSLATION Words from Jeremiah 1 - New Living Translation and some parts The Message Translation. This is a bible verse lyric video for Jeremiah 1 with 100% scripture put to song. Pure Christian worship with only bible verses as lyrics. Bless God and make proclamations over your own life by singing God's own Word! --- WHAT IS PROJECT OF LOVE? Project of Love is one man, Xander Stok, and his God-inspired dream: to put all books of the bible to song. Three years ago, after 20 years of struggling with depression, he met God. "He took me out of the pit, gave me new life, new clothes, a mission, and here I am. For more: read the full testimony on 🔥 --- CREDITS All music created, mixed and produced by: Xander Stok, Insta: @nax_music Video by: Janis van der Linden --- #projectoflove #scripturemusic #worship #worshipmusic #intruthandinspirit #jeremiah1 #jeremiah1v5 #jeremiah1v8 #jeremiah1v9 #jeremia1 #hiraeth #propheticworship #worshipleader #xanderstok #belong #wanted #accepted #isetyouapart #bibleinsong #worshipmusic #christianmusic #jesus #worshipsong #thebible #bible #bibleverseoftheday #verseoftheday #singthebible #youbelong #youbelonghere