This is a powerful Money and Cash Flow subliminal. You can listen to as many times as you want but one is also enough. This is a silent version Caution - Please make sure to keep at volume at 30 - 50% or it can cause headache or nausea What is Subliminal? Simply put, a subliminal message is a sound or image that your conscious mind does not notice. They are often used in songs, movies, and ads because they can make something more convincing or say something else entirely. Below the level of awareness at which we can perceive them, subliminal messages are transmitted. Subliminal Benefits -Become Financially Free -Increase your income rapidly -Increase your wealth ethically -Control your money -Money becomes your best friend Tips you can listen as many times as you are comfortable the more you listen the faster the results listen to it at a low volume drink hell lots of water For personalized subliminal email at - [email protected] #subliminal #moneysubliminal #cashflowsubliminal #increasemoney #money #subliminal #subliminalaudio