What Happened to the Nazis After World War 2?

What Happened to the Nazis After World War 2?

How did a hate group that ran an entire country seemingly disappear into thin air? Spoiler alert - THEY DIDN'T. While World War II has fascinated historians and the public alike since 1945, what happened to the perpetrators of one of the greatest evils of all time is less often discussed. Today on Nutty History, we’re examining the hard truth about what happened to the Nazis after World War 2. ------------------------------------ Chapter Timestamps 0.00 Intro to mid-roll ads 0:26 DE-NAZIFICATION 1:20 TOO MANY NAZIS 3:13 SOUTH AMERICA WAS A NAZI SAFE HAVEN 4:27 “OPERATION PAPERCLIP” CAPTURED NAZI SCIENTISTS 5:47 JUDGEMENT AT NUREMBERG 6:53 GERMANY GOT BACK TO BUSINESS 8:08 NAZI HUNTERS TRACKED DOWN FUGITIVES ------------------------------------ More Nutty History 🥜 ⚔️ WARS & BATTLES OF THE WORLD:    • How 21 Men Stopped 14,000 Strong Barb...   🇧🇪 World War 2 History:    • World Wars History   ⛩History of Asia:    • History of Asia   ☠️ Mafia Inspired Stories    • Playlist   🐫 Egyptian History    • Egyptian History   🤢 Hygiene History:    • What Hygiene was like in the Wild West   😧 What it was Like:    • Video   ------------------------------------ Thank you so much for watching our video! We really love the support that you all bring to each and every video ❤️ Don't click this 👉 https://bit.ly/3h4gqmJ #Nazis #NuttyHistory #WorldWar2