6th Sunday of Easter Year B
Breathe His Word SUNDAY: 6th Sunday of Easter THEME: God Reveals Himself to His Friends as Love Today we celebrate the sixth Sunday of Easter, we begin to Breathe His Word as we say: Sign of the cross Let us breathe His presence…. breathe Christ’s presence ….recollect yourself let His presence envelop you.. By our baptism we are united to the person of Christ and we have become members of his body. He continues to live and act in us: he loves, he cures, he comforts, he aids the poor, he wiped the tears of the widow and the orphan. When they see the lives we lead people should be able to recognise the Risen Lord among them. Let us invoke the breath of the Holy Spirit on us Listen: (the Gospel reading) (Jn 15:9-17) Allow the breath of His Word to circulate inside of you, let it shed light on all areas of your life. Let it challenge you to a better you. Personal Reflection How charitable am I towards others? Breathe His word… take your time to reflect on His Word Reflection (personal reflection and application, questions & Call to action) Prayer from my heart: Say a prayer from your heart for yourself and those the Lord reminds you of at this time. Concluding prayer: Lord let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in your sight. Amen. www.paulinesafrica.org