Santisima Trinidad Parish - Manila Live Stream

Santisima Trinidad Parish - Manila Live Stream

15th Sunday in Ordinary Time July 14, 2024 | 7:30 PM Mass Presider: Rev. Fr. Raj Mallavarraputh For your love offerings you may send them to the following bank accounts: Parish Fund BPI 4941-0029-57 The Roman Catholic Archbishop of Santisima Trinidad Parish Malate, Archdiocese of Manila - Office of Communications Metrobank 310-3-31006879-0 RCAM Santisima Trinidad Parish Malate, Archdiocese of Manila - Office of Communications GCASH 0995 579 7206 Ma Dorwena Dacpano (Parish Secretary) Thank you very much! #thatallmaybeone #santisimamalate #aPrayingandCaringCommunity